Winston Churchill. The decision which saved the world

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Version francophoneWinston Churchill. La décision qui sauva le monde
GenreEpopée historique
PublicAdultes et adolescents
ThèmesDémocratie, Droits de l'Homme, Histoire contemporaine
Durée90 minutes
Distribution(s)2H 1Fe       
Distribution modulableNon
Jouable en plein airNon
CostumeIn accordance with the characters : Churchill, Hess and Lieutenant
Décor et accessoiresOffice in the Tower of London
Niveau de langueC2 - Maîtrise
SynopsisAfter Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium, the Nazi shadow has now fallen over France. With Italy as an active ally, Spain As passive onlookers, Russia and the USA wait in a sort of cautious neutrality, while the Nazi ogre attempts to bring an isolated England to its knees.
10 May : 500 bombers set London ablaze.
The same day, Rudolf Hess flies to Scotland. He is immediately arrested and taken to the Tower of London
Droits d'auteur pour les représentationsSABAM   Tarifs et déclaration
Site de l'auteur
Commentaire de l'auteurI imagine a meeting between Churchill and Hess at the Tower of London. The Nazi proposes peace (N.B. this is historically correct). I try to explain why Churchill decides to continue the war despite the adverse conditions. And this decision saved the world.
This text is the translation of a French play published (Ed. Harmattan).
Publication sur le site27/07/2008
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